Over 400 Rotarians and volunteers from Pensacola and NW Florida Panhandle (including 6 from Navarre Rotary) descended on Manna Food Pantries in Pensacola on Saturday Feb 27th to make over 75,000 meals for families in Escambia and Santa Rosa County.
In addition to the bagging effort, Rotarians contributed $3,712 and 162 pounds of food, enabling Manna to provide an AMAZING 77,551 nutritious meals to our neighbors in need in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.
Rotary Against Hunger is a joint service project by the Combined Rotary Clubs of Pensacola, beginning in 2011, working with MANNA Food Pantries.
“The Rotary Against Hunger project has become a critical part of our ability to meet the needs of the hungry throughout the year in Escambia & Santa Rosa counties,” said DeDe Flounlacker, Executive Director of MANNA. She when on to say, “Thanks to Rotary, thousands of people will be helped this year.”
Photos from the event: